Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"The Pressure of the Game," Karley Dobis

“The Pressure of the Game”

Slowly dripping down,

And sliding off your face,

Showing all your fear,

As your heart begins to race.

You search for the break,

Looking at the slope,

You just can’t figure it out,

And you’ve lost all hope.

You talk to your caddy,

He’s stumped too,

So you go with your gut,

Since there is nothing better to do.

You let the ball go,

Rolling down the green,

Praying for a miracle,

You start to cringe and lean.

But then it falls,

Right down the cup,

So like Tiger Woods,

You do a fist pump.

You’re still in shock,

It just can’t be true,

But you have to forget it,

Now onto Hole Two.


  1. I loved this poem. It really put a picture in my head of Karly on the green. I think that Karly should write more poetry so she can share it with the school and whoever.

  2. I agree Karly is a great poet and it made me feel like playing golf even though I never have. I also like the Tiger Woods and "fist pump" reference. The poem also uses a lot of description through out the poem

  3. I like this poem a lot as well. I think it has great detail that allows us to picture what she's talking about. I think we all know that feeling of anticipation that she describes. I like the ending too. It's humorous, but also makes a good point: we can't get caught up in one moment.

  4. I really enjoyed this poem. It's really intense throughout and then at the end it abruptly stops. The line, "Now onto hole two," expresses how she feels about ending the hole. You put in so much work to get the ball in the hole and then it's over with a snap. You have to go through everything else over again until all eighteen holes are done.

  5. I really liked this poem. I think this poem is relating golf to life. Just like the last line, after hole 1 you move "now onto hole two."

  6. Karley this is amazing! I love your imagery and how I feel like I'm on the green with you during this poem. The intensity you created at the beginning of the poem causes the reader to wonder what's going to happen next at this crucial point in the match/game (whatever golf competitions are called). Since I've seen the "Tiger Woods fist pump" on TV, I was able to picture the excitement on Karley's face as she sunk the ball into the cup. Her diction is easy to understand, but it's fitting to the poem. Anyone could read and understand what's going on.

  7. Kudos to Karley for thinking of this poem... i know i never ever would have been able to think of something like this.. haha being an athlete i can completely relate to what this poem is saying... even though i dont play golf I feel as though this poems message can apply to all sports. The lines "but it just can't be true but you have to forget it now onto hole two" are probably for me the hardest to abide by... those lines are suggesting that you must just forget the excitement and the awesome job you just did so that you can focus for your next task however, most of the time that rewarding moment is kept as an image in my head for awhile and is hard for me to focus on anything else.

  8. Wow, this is a great poem Karley. I enjoyed listening to it in class. I really liked the line "So like Tiger Woods,You do a fist pump." I feel like this poem catches the crucial moments felt while playing in a game of gulf. I do not know much about gulf but the poem could be related to any sport. Once again awesome job.
